Vendor Rules

Vendor Rules
Vendors at the Lima Noon Optimist Home Show
Announcements If you hold drawings for prizes, we will announce the drawing time and winners over the public address system.
Handouts, Raffles, and Drawings Such materials may be promoted from within your exhibitor’s booth only. You may not give away any food or drink that competes with the Optimist food booth. If you are not sure, ask the Home Show Chairperson.
Character of Exhibits Optimist Management reserves the right to decline any exhibitor, exhibit, or portion of exhibit which, in our opinion, is unsuitable for the Home Show.
Utilities/Outlets All booths have electrical outlets for 110 volts. Extension cords are NOT provided.
Insurance and Watchman Service The Optimist Club provides 24-hour security and adequate liability insurance to protect the visiting public. The Optimist Club is not responsible for any loss, damage or destruction of an exhibitor’s products or injury to exhibitors or their employee. All buildings are locked and inaccessible except for show hours, set up and tear down hours.
Noise Noise making devices, loud speakers, or public announcement systems are not allowed. Televisions, radios, videos, pianos, or other musical devices may be played quietly during show hours.
Booth Set-Up The buildings of the Allen County Fairgrounds will be open for booth set up on Thursday from 9 am to 8 pm and on Friday from 9 am to noon. Booth assignments and set up will be confirmed prior to the Show by email.
Booth Size Booths are approximately 10’ x 10’ in the Agriculture, Merchants and Youth buildings. Any booth sides with exhibit materials that are over 3’ in height may not extend more than 4’ from the rear of the booth. (All exceptions to this must have prior approval from the Home Show Chairperson).
Booth Removal All signs or items attached to the curtains must be removed by 9 pm on Sunday and display materials must be moved toward the center of the booth. Back drop and side curtains will be removed by our contractor beginning at 8 am Monday. All displays must be removed from the buildings between 5 pm Sunday and 12 Noon on Monday. Please be sure to leave rented chairs and tables in your booth.
ALL BOOTHS MUST REMAIN SET UP UNTIL 5PM SUNDAY. Questions not covered in this contract can be directed to the Home Show Committee at Thank you for your support of the youth of Allen County!
Download the vendor rules here.